First, I'll note that the transition from tv to Montessori time was rougher than I'd like. I frequently turn the tv on in the morning to let myself have time to get ready for the day. It's even more important now that I (apparently) need oodles of sleep during this pregnancy (because I do less getting ready for the next day the night before, in favor of going to bed early). Anyway, I wanted to note that I'd like this transistion to go smoother. Have ideas?
I started by setting out one of his favorite works-the discs in slot with 10 quarters. Which he so happened to use for an hour!
We started on a mat on the floor with lots of counting.

I noted that 1) if I count with him until 5, he will finish counting to 10 correctly alone (getting 5 after 4 is crucial for this); 2) he doesn't have a deep understanding that these numbers represent quantity, only a memorized sequence of words (I plan to use other materials to help him experience quantity, but it was interesting to note that just counting doesn't constitute all of the information I'd like him to know about the numbers from 1 to 10); 3) he needs more repitition with the word, "quarter". He prefers to call all coins "pennies".
We then moved from the mat to the coffee table. He did not choose to put his mat away or the box (he wanted to play with only the quarters), so I modeled it for him and said cheerfully, "perhaps you'll do it next time".

We also experimented with the different shapes you can make with 10 quarters. He enjoyed the triangle and wanted to make a rainbow and rocket ship also.

After that, he wanted to be a bit more physical with the quarters. We pushed them off the edge of the table, counting each one. Then he put them one by one, or many by many through the slot in the coffee table.

And then, I got sick, and immediately after that Elijah had a large poo poo accident that needed a bubble shower. So, we rapped Montessori time up after the bubble shower and together put away the quarters and the cylinder blocks he had gotten out while I was cleaning the bathroom.
So, we did an hour so far today. All with quarters and focusing on attention span building (1 activity for an hour!), completing the cycle (which he helped with at the very end), and memorizing the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10.
Hopefully we'll get a chance to do some more today. And hopefully I'll get some sleep so I won't have to leave to run to the bathroom...
- Brandy
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