Started with the color tablets. He needs a new presentation. I gave him as much of one as he would watch today before he took over. We didn't do any language on this activity today.

While using the color tablets, he threw them to me several times. I debated in my head which strategy to take on discouraging this. I think I used several. Once I told him we could throw balls, but we need to treat our toys gently. Once I told him it made me sad to have things thrown at me. And once I merely made a mental note that perhaps I needed to model the correct behavior for him.
Within the thought that I could model for him, I thought of two things. One, that I frequently throw things myself--a piece of trash into a trash bin, a sock into a drawer, a shirt into a hamper. And perhaps it'd be better if I didn't. Elijah may or may not be discriminating which items are okay to throw and which are not. So, I will be paying closer attention to this.
The next thing that came to mind in the modelling realm, is that perhaps we could set up a "pass to me" game. This would be easier with more players. A good activity for when Chris is home. Chris and I could start by asking to "please pass me ___" and then gently handing the object to the other using two hands. We could use the Montessori equipment both to build language (please pass me the smallest pink cube), and to model respect for these objects. This would be a Montessori grace and courtesy lesson.
Then moved onto what is still his favorite activity--discs in a slot.

Then, we read 4 BOB books.

And, then he got out a ball from the back room (presumably because I mentioned earlier that balls were okay for throwing). We rolled and kicked and caught.

And all of this reminded me that there are some gross motor goals that I stated in the beginning. I thought it might be fun for me to pick some games/sports that develop these skills and work that into our weekly plan. We could walk to the park and use the soccer court. I'll be working on that soon!
- Brandy
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