Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 16th/Elijah's Morning Routine

Well, I'll admit our Montessori time has taken a back seat in the past few weeks. I do have some rather good excuses--recurring pregnancy nausea and vomitting, family emergency, unexpected babysitting, and the start of a new Wednesday only job...I still feel guilty.

But, it's true, you can't really halt learning. There are learning experiences built into everyday. It's felt a little more "unschooling" around here lately. And while I respect that movement, it hasn't been my goal. Working up to a 3-hour work period 5 days a week has been. And I'm not sure quite where to go from here. I suppose one day at a time.

Elijah's Montessori equipment has still gotten much use over the past few weeks, but not neccesarily in large spans of time. A little here, a little there. And that's better than nothing, right?

Even sometimes with a friend.

But, all in all we do still have a Montessori style home that strives to cater to Elijah's independence.

And, in accordance with that, one of the things we've been working on this week is a new morning routine for Elijah. He seems to be enjoying it, yet drags out some parts (which is perfectly fine by me).

Here's his routine:

-Wake up
-Help mommy make bed
-Potty and brush teeth
-Set own little table with tablecloth and napkin
-Once table is set, mommy brings super porridge (and tv is allowed for one show...I know, I know, not awesome, and perhaps one day I'll find away to do away with this part)

-He is in charge of getting his sippy cup from the bedroom. If he doesn't want to, I don't push it. I clean it out and refill after breakfast (it stays cold and fresh all night, sometimes even still has ice in it)
-When he is done with breakfast and credits roll on the show, the tv gets turned off (if he doesn't turn the tv off, I's important for his closure to turn it off during the credits).
-Elijah brings his bowl and spoon to the kitchen and places it on a dirty dish tray below his clean dishes

-Elijah puts his placemat and napkin in the hamper in his room

(yes, his room needs cleaning)

-Then, we take his pajamas off. Elijah sits on his bed and I give him step by step directions for him to do it himself. His clothes go in his hamper.
-Elijah washes his hands and face. (he may also choose to brush his hair and or teeth, too--he's interested in grooming right now and may spend a great deal of time doing this)

-Elijah picks out a pair of pants and a shirt from his closet.
-Elijah sits on his bed and I talk him through and assist when necessary until his clothes are on.
-Mommy writes a to do list and Elijah sits next to her and "writes" one too

All of this tends to take a GREAT deal of time, perhaps 2 hours. He frequently is simply not ready for the next step but wants to play with me. I tell him I'd love to play with him--when he's ready for the day and all dressed. When he's goofing off and not quite ready, I usually do the things on my morning to do list--load of laundry, shower (during his breakfast/tv time), unload dishwasher, balance checkbook, etc.). So far, I think it's really working for both of us--and I'm excited to see how it will come along over a few weeks.

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